Unifor locals ratify agreements at Marine Atlantic

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Unifor members at Marine Atlantic have ratified two new three-year agreements.

“For years, Marine Atlantic dragged out the negotiating process, frustrating our members and undermining their right to fair and free collective bargaining. This time we engaged a new bargaining strategy with the employer,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

“I am so proud of these members of the bargaining committee and staff who worked to secure such strong agreements and improvements for Unifor marine members. It shows what we can do when we are willing to fight.”

Members at Locals 4285 and 4286 voted to ratify three-year “Agreement B” contract for vessel employees. 

Marine Atlantic operates passenger and cargo ferry service between North Sydney, N.S. and Port aux Basques, Nfld. year-round and a seasonal service in the summer from North Sydney N.S. to Argentia, Nfld.

"Members of Locals 4285 and 4286 are going to see substantial improvements to their contracts thanks to the bargaining committee's strategic approach and the members' solidarity that empowered them through this round of negotiations," said Atlantic Regional Director Jennifer Murray. 

"These folks do so much to keep passengers safe, happy and comfortable as they sail between Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador, and I'm pleased to see their hard work recognized through better pay and benefits."

The 631 members at Local 4285 work as storekeepers, cooks, bosuns, quartermasters, deckhands, bridge watch, carpenters, life raft maintainers, certified and uncertified engine room assistants, and stewards.

Local 4286 has 100 members who work as senior chief stewards, pursers, chief stewards, and senior chief cooks.

This new contract brings a nearly 10% increase over the three years, an introduction of a new bosun and carpenter premium at 65 cents an hour and a new bilingual premium of 25 cents an hour.

There are also increases to mileage allowances, the elimination of Step Rate for Deck and Engine Employees (12% increase in wages) and the new deal eliminates the 1080-hour requirement of the footwear allowance. All employees will receive the full $300 for footwear.

A new Unifor Women’s Advocate position is bargained into the contract and renewed Paid Education Leave.

“The agreement expired on Dec. 31, 2022, and we had to file for conciliation and even extending the conciliation to get the best deal for our members,” said Local 4286 President is Clinton Farrell. 

“It was challenging as we were also dealing with the Maintenance of Activities issue at the board.”

Local 4285 President Brian Jobes said this is the second contract in a row with a roughly 10% increase.

“We are pleased that this contract has no concessions,” he said. “Our members are dedicated to their skilled work and this deal will help with inflation and rising costs of living.”

This contract expires on Dec. 31, 2025.

The second contract Unifor members in Local 4285 ratified – “Agreement C” – also runs for three years, expiring Dec. 31, 2025, with wage increases hitting almost 10% over the course of the contract.

There is also an increase to paid lunch, that all employees will now receive the full $300 for footwear, and improvements to orthodontics, death benefits, and short-term disability cap benefits.

This unit consists of 48 members, who work as shore-based maintenance staff, and Skilled Trades, such as machinists, electricians, carpenters, pipe fitters, and ramp operators in North Sydney, N.S. and Port aux Basques, Nfld.

“The challenge with this contract was the small number of employees and the Maintenance of Activities, as they have not had the ability to have any job action in the past. We challenged the employer at the board on that issue,” said Jobes.

Media Contact

Jenny Yuen

National Communications Representative