Spring/Summer 2025 PEL Schedule

Education PEL Schedule - Port Elgin

February - August, 2025

To Register & For Information: @email


Date & Courses Offered

February 23-28, 2025                                                                 Registration Deadline: January 10, 2025

Collective Bargaining

Conflict Resolution

Grievance Handling & Workplace Leadership

Stress: The Workplace Hazard

WSIB: Compensation for ON Workers - Introduction

ONSITE CHILD CARE ***Child Care Registration Deadline (0-12 years): January 10/25   

March 2-7, 2025                                                                        Registration Deadline: January 17, 2025

Grievance Handling & Workplace Leadership

Health & Safety

Human Rights

Local Executive Board Training (Pre-requisite: must currently hold an elected or appointed position on your Local Union Executive Board.)

ONSITE CHILD CARE ***Child Care Registration Deadline (0-12 years): January 17/25   

March 9-14, 2025                                                                     Registration Deadline: January 24, 2025

Accident & Incident Investigation

Canada & The World        

Collective Bargaining

Electoral Candidate Development

ONSITE CHILD CARE/ TEEN PROGRAM ***Child Care Registration Deadline (0-18 years): January 24/25 

March 16-21, 2025                                                                    Registration Deadline: January 31, 2025 

Conflict Resolution

Ergonomics - Introduction

Grievance Handling & Workplace Leadership

Health & Safety

Human Rights

WSIB Appeals (Workplace Safety & Insurance Board ON Only) (Pre-requisite: Compensation for ON Workers.)

ONSITE CHILD CARE ***Child Care Registration Deadline (0-12 years): January 31/25   

March 23-28, 2025                                                                    Registration Deadline: February 7, 2025  

Black, Indigenous & Workers of Colour Leadership Program - Week 1

Worker Referral Assistance Program (WRAP) - Level 1

ONSITE CHILD CARE ***Child Care Registration Deadline (0-12 years): February 7/25   

March 30-April 4, 2025                                                                 Registration Deadline: February 14, 2025  

Conflict Resolution for Women

Women Activists

Women in Leadership  (*Updated Curriculum*)

Women's Advocate Basic Training 40 hr (Bargained Advocates Only - Locals will receive Call Letter.)

ONSITE CHILD CARE/TEEN PROGRAM ***Child Care Registration Deadline (0-18 years): February 14/25

April 6-11, 2025                                                                          Registration Deadline: February 21, 2025        

Occupational Hygiene (Formerly Industrial Hygiene. Pre-requisite: must be an active Health & Safety Rep.)

Racial Justice Advocate Basic Training 40h (Bargained Advocates Only - Locals will receive Call Letter.)

ONSITE CHILD CARE ***Child Care Registration Deadline (0-12 years): February 21/25  

April 13-17, 2025                                                                          Registration Deadline: February 28, 2025   

Planning for Your Future/Pre-Retirement Course

Local Executive Board Training (Pre-requisite: must currently hold an elected or appointed position on your Local Union Executive Board.)


ONSITE CHILD CARE ***Child Care Registration Deadline (0-12 years): February 28/25

April 22-25, 2025                                                                          Registration Deadline: March 7, 2025   

Collective Bargaining

Grievance Handling & Workplace Leadership

Health & Safety


ONSITE CHILD CARE ***Child Care Registration Deadline (0-12 years): March 7/25

May 4-9, 2025                                                                               Registration Deadline: March 21, 2025   

Black, Indigenous & Workers of Colour Leadership Program - Week 2

May 25-30, 2025                                                                          Registration Deadline: April 11, 2025

Pride Activist

June 8-13, 2025                                                                           Registration Deadline: April 25, 2025

Accident & Incident Investigation

Arbitration for Leadership

Collective Bargaining

Grievance Handling & Workplace Leadership

Worker Referral Assistance Program - Level 2 (Pre-requisite: WRAP Level 1.)

ONSITE CHILDCARE ***Child Care Registration Deadline (0-12 years): April 25/25

June 22-27, 2025                                                                           Registration Deadline: May 9, 2025

Stress: The Workplace Hazard

Turtle Island: A First Peoples Awareness for Union Activists & Leaders

Women Activists

ONSITE CHILDCARE ***Child Care Registration Deadline (0-12 years): May 9/25

July 13-18, 2025                                                                           Registration Deadline: May 30, 2025

Collective Bargaining

Conflict Resolution

Grievance Handling & Workplace Leadership

Health & Safety

Human Rights

ONSITE CHILDCARE ***Child Care Registration Deadline (0-12 years): May 30/25

July 27-August 1, 2025                                                               Registration Deadline: June 13, 2025

Canada & The World

Grievance Handling & Workplace Leadership

Human Rights

Local Executive Board Training (Pre-requisite: must currently hold an elected or appointed position on your Local Union Executive Board.)

Stress: The Workplace Hazard

ONSITE CHILDCARE ***Child Care Registration Deadline (0-12 years): June 13/25

August 17-22, 2025                                                                    Registration Deadline: July 4, 2025

Collective Bargaining

Conflict Resolution

Grievance Handling & Workplace Leadership

Health & Safety

Human Rights

ONSITE CHILDCARE ***Child Care Registration Deadline (0-12 years): July 4/25

Child Care Registration – when on-site childcare is offered, you MUST REGISTER AT THE TIME YOU SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION. Please contact the Family Education Child Care Centre for the on-site child care registration forms at 1-800-265-3735 ext. 3233 or email Laurie Wright at @email

Conference registrations are to be sent to the Front Desk on the Centre Registration form – not PEL application forms. PEL funds are not used for Conferences - PEL courses only.

***Courses are occasionally subject to change. Please check the website to ensure you have the most up-to-date schedule*** uniforeducation.org

Questions about the schedule? Please contact @email