
Bargaining Bulletin Update #11: Bell Clerical

Dear Bell Clerical members,

Yesterday the bargaining committee received a request to meet with the company. On this video call, the company delivered their final offer. Their indication was that this would be the last offer we would receive before the strike deadline imposed by the union of August 18th. Whether we took this to the deadline or not this would be the last offer they would deliver to us.

The company then presented an offer to us which addressed some of the concerns of the members but fell short in others.

Bell Canada fails to negotiate a contract with Clerical and Atlantic groups, pushing Unifor ACL to declare an impasse


Negotiations ended today without coming to an agreement with the company for the Unifor ACL and Clerical groups, during the week’s historic, simultaneous negotiations.

The employer was made aware well in advance of the union’s top priorities and did not come prepared to have meaningful discussion on those issues.

Members in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and Ontario united this week in our negotiations. Your committees, including national staff, brought fair proposals to the company and were met with stubborn refusals.


Our Bell, Our Jobs. Clerical and Aliant workers unite!

Watch this new video to see why Unifor members at Bell are stronger than ever.

For the first time, in a show of true solidarity, Clerical and Aliant members are bargaining simultaneously with the company.

In historic first, Bell Atlantic Communications Locals and Bell Clerical to unite at simultaneous negotiations

Dear Members,

Bell Clerical and Bell Aliant commenced bargaining in February.  From the start, it was the desire of our bargaining committees to utilize the collective power we have in numbers at some point in bargaining. Both groups have bargained separately thus far.

Our bargaining agendas include common themes of better wages, work from home policy and job security. Both bargaining tables also share a common denominator: Bell’s lead negotiator is the same at both tables.

Unifor ACL Bargaining Bulletin Update # 8

Dear Members,

Last week, your Bargaining Committee made headway on a number of priority areas.

We raised our concern in regards to recent modifications in Consumer Service Representative classification.

Many facets of the work of technicians were also explored with the employer. 

After weeks of slow movement from the Company, their representatives showed an opening for a change in pace. There is a lot of Bargaining going between Bell Canada and Unifor:

Bargaining Bulletin Update #7: Bell Clerical workers deliver strike mandate

Dear Members,

Your Bargaining Committee is happy to report the results of the strike vote. More than two-thirds of the membership voted, with 65% voting in favour of strike action.

This historic vote will send Bell Canada a clear, direct message to bring a better deal to the table. In this round of negotiations we’re clear that it’s Our Bell, and Our Jobs.

Bell clerical workers issue historic strike mandate

TORONTO– Unifor members in the Bell Canada clerical unit returned a strike mandate on Sunday June 19, just ahead of this week’s negotiations with the company.

The approximately 4,200 workers in the bargaining unit perform clerical and other duties, and live and work across Ontario and Quebec. More than two-thirds of the membership voted, with 65% voting in favour of strike action.

Unifor mourns the loss of Local 45 member who died on the job

Unifor member Paul Totten died on the job on Monday, June 13, 2022 in Tillsonburg, Ontario where he worked as a technician for Bell Technical Solutions (BTS).   

“Thoughts and deepest sympathies to Brother Totten’s loved ones and family including his union family. Our entire Unifor family grieves with you,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National Secretary-Treasurer.