
Messed up trade rules tax a donation

When people are hurting, such as after a natural disaster, the normal human reaction is to find a way to help.

In fact, for most people, the immediate reaction is not whether they should offer help, but to think about how they can help out best.

In La Doré, Quebec, where the major employer is a Resolute Forest Products sawmill, the obvious way for them to help victims of a devastating hurricane last August in Florida was to send down some of the softwood lumber they produce at the local mill.

Unifor meets with two BC ministers

In a meeting with Minister Doug Donaldson, Unifor representatives urged the BC NDP government to keep the pressure on for a softwood lumber deal that

Retired workers play growing role

The role of retirees in the union is growing, and vital to the union;s work, Unifor’s annual Retired Workers Council heard