
National Day of Action for Forestry Jobs

Unifor members will hold rallies in six cities to encourage the federal government to reach a negotiated Canada-U.S. softwood deal.

Coalition demands end to raw log exports

Unifor pulp and paper locals in British Columbia threw their support behind a rally on July 22 that demands an overhaul to the way the province’s forests are managed.

TPP Rally Toronto

Let the government hear what you have to say come and participate in the Toronto TPP rally...

TPP Rally Windsor

Let the government hear what you have to say come and participate in the Windsor TPP rally...

Unity needed for a renewed softwood lumber deal

This was published in the Huffington Post on Wednesday March 9th

The next seven months could be very nervous times in Canada’s forestry sector, particularly softwood lumber.

That’s because the Softwood Lumber Agreement that Canada signed with the U.S. in 2006 expired last October 12. Canada had hoped to simply renew the agreement at that time, but the U.S. refused. Instead, we have a one-year grace period in which the United States is obliged to refrain from brining new trade cases against Canadian lumber for one year. That ends next October.