Government and Democracy

Sunwing needs to hire qualified and trained permanent pilots within Canada

Unifor says Sunwing Airlines has not done enough to fill open positions by intending to hire permanent pilots who would be covered by the union’s collective agreement, instead opting to use temporary foreign workers. Read our letters to the company and the Canadian government asking them to stop this practice.

Unifor's letter to Len Corrado Président, Sunwing Airlines Inc.

Len Corrado
President, Sunwing Airlines Inc.
Re: Sunwing Application to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program Dear Mr. Corrado,

Canada’s Airport woes need solutions not finger pointing

By Kaylie Tiessen

Air travellers are frustrated, and for good reason.  A shortage of workers in the industry has clashed with rapidly returning demand for air travel to create cascading flight delays, lost luggage, cancellations and other disruptions at airports around the world.

These problems have been experienced at airports around the world, but Canada’s airports have been the worst.