Government and Democracy

It’s O’Leary who needs the adult supervision

Published in the Huffington Post Wednesday May 25, 2016

Kevin O’Leary premiers his new reality show this weekend – an all-too real show, in fact.

The man who made a name for himself as the loudest and most offensive cast member of the Dragon’s Den reality TV show will be testing the waters at the Conservative Party convention this weekend for a possible leadership bid.

Investor protection the most insidious part of the TPP

This was published in the Huffington Post on Wednesday May 18, 2016

Much has been written about the immediate negative impact the Trans-Pacific Partnership will have on some of our key economic sectors.

There is no shortage of examples.

Deep and fast cuts to vehicle tariffs and changes to North American content rules would encourage auto companies to move more jobs off-shore to low-wage jurisdictions, costing thousands of jobs.

TPP Rally Toronto

Let the government hear what you have to say come and participate in the Toronto TPP rally...

TPP Rally Windsor

Let the government hear what you have to say come and participate in the Windsor TPP rally...

The TPP the latest of a bad generation of trade deals

This was published on May 5, 2016 in the Huffington Post

The ideal of a democracy such as ours is that we elect governments to enact laws in the general public interest. We may not each like every single law that is passed, but overall the laws passed should be in our general good interest.