Government and Democracy

Premiers need to listen to working people

Published in the Huffington Post Wednesday July 20, 2016

As Canada’s provincial premiers arrive in Whitehorse for their annual meeting, they will be joined by many groups interested in what happens at the meeting, from doctors to business people to academics to labour.

Tough talk needed with Mexican president

This article was published on Wednesday June 29, 2016 in the Huffington Post.

I have made no secret of my respect for our new Prime Minister, especially after the disdain I held for his predecessor.

That’s why it can be tough at times to watch – as good Canadian jobs are lost to Mexico, a place of horrible human rights abuses – while Justin Trudeau publicly talks about being such good friends with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.

Unifor at TPP rally and town hall

Unifor’s campaign to stop ratification of the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal ramped up in Toronto on June 15 with a community rally and Town Hall that featured National President Jerry Dias.

Working people are finally being heard

Published in the Huffington Post July 7, 2016.

There has been a thaw of sorts lately in Ottawa and other corridors of power, as far as labour’s relations with government go – and that’s a good thing for working people across this country.

After a decade of being frozen out by the Harper Conservatives, what we are seeing now is a rebalancing of the voices heard by our members of parliament – including those who sit in cabinet.

Manitoba's Anti-Union Bill Is A Step Backward

Published in the Huffington Post June 22, 2016

 (and I would argue moral) ambiguity about the place of unions in Canada.

Conservative governments who can't rewrite the constitution to take that right away will use underhanded tactics to rob Canadians of their rights at work.

For the latest example of conservative politicians working hard to undermine constitutional rights, just look to Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister.

Electoral Reform Is An Important Debate For This Country

Published in the Huffington Post June 16, 2016

Vote with your heart. Vote for the person in your area and the national party you believe will best address your biggest concerns.

That is the ideal of how elections are meant to work, and the guiding principle of those who have long advocated electoral reform to replace our current first past the post system with some form of proportional representation.

New products key to auto bargaining

This was published in the Huffington Post Friday June 10, 2016.

Unifor’s Auto Council made a momentous decision recently about the all-important contract talks to get underway this summer.

In two unanimous votes, the 120 delegates passed resolutions calling for each company to commit to bringing new products to Canada, and to specific investment mandates for Canada for assembly and powertrain operations.

That means there will be no deals with GM, Ford or Fiat-Chrysler without specific commitments from each that we will have new products made right here in Canada.