Union Solidarity

Unifor Constitutional Convention 2022

The 4th Unifor Constitutional Convention will be held from August 8-12, 2022 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The Convention will convene on Monday, August 8 at 9:00 a.m.

Unifor statement on two years of the COVID-19 pandemic

March 11 marks the beginning of the third year since the World Health Organization formally declared COVID-19 a pandemic.

Workers in all sectors and types of workplaces have been affected by this public health crisis. They have been put at risk of transmission, and many workers have fallen ill or died as a result of this disease.

COVID-19 has caused nearly six million deaths worldwide and more than 37,000 in Canada alone. Over the past two years, front line workers have carried the heaviest burden while having to fight for basic protections.

Statement on International Women's Day 2022

International Women’s Day 2022 is an opportunity for working-class women to celebrate and reflect on our accomplishments as well as gather strength for the fights that lay ahead. 

For more than 100 years, women in the labour movement across the globe have marked March 8 by celebrating collective achievements and recommitting to the fight for gender equality.

Retirees donate $46,000 to help sick children

Retirees from Unifor Local 1520 have barely been able to get together since the beginning of the pandemic, saving them money on meeting costs, while the pandemic has cut into fundraising at the nearby Children’s Hospital of London.

So the retirees, from the former Ford plant in St. Thomas, thought that maybe the hospital could use the money they’d been setting aside.

Unifor condemns 'Freedom Convoy' actions

Like so many of you, the National Union and its officers are monitoring the so-called ‘Freedom Convoy’ demonstrations taking place at Parliament Hill, at various border crossings and other locations throughout the country. The actions that convoy protestors have taken in recent weeks are troubling and, in some cases, reprehensible. 

Unifor donates $135,000 to food banks

As families across Canada continue to struggle to put food on the table, a situation made harder by both the pandemic and the holiday season, Unifor is donating $135,000 to 48 food banks across Canada

“People are in need, and we hope these donations help address that need,” Unifor National President Jerry Dias said.

“The reality is, we shouldn’t need food banks in the first place. Families rely on food banks because they have no other options.”

Letter to the Minister of Labour Filomena Tassi, It’s Time for a Real Federal Ban on Scabs

The Honourable Filomena Tassi, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Labour

Dear Minister Tassi,

Re: It’s Time for a Real Federal Ban on Scabs

I’m writing to you on behalf of more than 315,000 Unifor members across the country, working in every major sector of the Canadian economy, to ask you to take action to help restore balance for all workers. As you know, in May, our union launched a public campaign to advocate for anti-scab legislation to stop employers from undermining the power of union members.