
Strike deadline set for Labour Day weekend at Victoria Clipper ferry

VICTORIA—Unifor Local 114 members at the Victoria-Seattle ferry service have voted 100% in favour of taking legal strike action on Sunday, September 3 if a fair contract cannot be reached before then.

“Unless the employer shows up to the bargaining table with a fair offer, the Victoria Clipper will be anchored on one of the busiest tourism weekends of the year,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “Ferry workers deserve a fair contract and will take job action if negotiations continue to stall.”

Unifor sets national bargaining agenda at historic summit

Building worker power means growing ideas from the bottom up.

The Bargaining Workers’ Power National Collective Bargaining Program Summit, the special one-day conference on Aug. 17 – the day before the opening of Unifor’s Canadian Council in Halifax, N.S. – brought together nearly 1,000 members to hear the union unveil its new bargaining strategy.

“We are bargaining hard everywhere, because right now, we have a moment unlike any other,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne in her opening address.

Bargaining Workers' Power

Over four months, Unifor held 45 individual Bargaining Workers' Power strategy sessions across the country.

Local 27 Health Care members secure landmark contract with London Health Sciences Centre

After months of intense negotiations and overcoming significant challenges, the members of Local 27 have emerged victorious with a ground-breaking new contract at London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC).

The deal, hailed as a triumph for workers' rights and fair compensation, encompasses a diverse array of job titles and sets new standards for wage enhancements and benefit improvements.

Unifor to begin Detroit Three auto negotiations August 10 


TORONTO— Unifor begins formal contract talks with Detroit Three (D3) automakers, Ford, General Motors and Stellantis on August 10, 2023.

"Our bargaining teams are ready to get to the table and start negotiations on behalf of 18,000 Unifor members covered by these contracts,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “Our mission is clear. Our members want stronger pensions, better wages and a secure future in the transition to electric vehicle manufacturing."

Unifor members at Community Support Centre NW unanimously approve new 3 year contract

Dryden, Ontario - About 25 members of Unifor Local 324-18 voted 100% in favour of a new 3 year contract with Community Support Centre NW at ratification meetings held on Wednesday. Community Support Centre NW is a multi-service organization providing a variety of diverse support programs for children, youth, adults and families living in Dryden, Kenora and Fort Frances.

Nurses Vote to Accept New Agreement

Nurses represented by four unions in Nova Scotia have voted in favour of a five-year contract that will see historic improvements in wages, premiums, occupational health and safety, and work-life balance.

Voting on the agreement took place from July 21st until noon today. Approximately 87.5 per cent of those who voted cast ballots in favour of the new agreement that was reached during Conciliation.