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Letter of support for workers at Sheritt Ambatovy in Madagascar

David V. Pathe
President and Chief Executive Officer
Sherritt International Corporation
1133 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario M4T 2Y7

Mr. Pathe,

Further to recent correspondence you have received  from Mr. Jyrke Raina of IndustriAll, Unifor wants to add its concern over the situation at Sheritt Ambatovy in Madagascar.

Unifor welcomes crack down on trucking companies

VANCOUVER, Nov. 6, 2015 /CNW/ - Container Trucking Commissioner Corinne Bell's renewed call to Metro Vancouver's port trucking companies to pay their drivers is a step in the right direction and important to avoid work stoppages later this winter during bargaining, says the largest union in the sector.

Time to fix TPP mistakes: Unifor

TORONTO, Nov. 5, 2015 /CNW/ - With the release of the full text of the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal today, Unifor is calling on the federal government to thoroughly consult with Canadians on the agreement's impact on this country and to revise the provisions that will damage key Canadian industries.

New team announces candidacy for Ontario Federation of Labour

TORONTO, Nov. 5, 2015 /CNW/ - Ontario unions and local union activists have put forward a team of three principled, determined and experienced trade unionists to run for the election at the upcoming convention of the Ontario Federation of Labour. The team is running under the banner of FedForward, with the goal of uniting the labour movement in Ontario and advocating for progressive labour law reform.

Unifor No Frills grocery store workers reach tentative agreement

TORONTO, Oct. 30, 2015 /CNW/ - Unifor members of Local 414 have reached a tentative agreement with No Frills grocery stores.  The unit includes 1,265 workers at 19 stores across Ontario.  

"We continue to break new ground within the retail sector," said Christine Connor, President of Unifor Local 414. "Details of the deal will be made available once it is ratified by the members."

Fortier outlines proposals

Unifor Ontario Regional Director Katha Fortier was a guest on one of the province's most popular morning radio shows, Metro Morning on CBC, to outline the need for reforming employment standards and labour laws in Ontario - and Unifor's suggestions for doing that.

Stanford at economic summit

Unifor Economist Jim Stanford takes part in a panel discussion at the Ontario Economic Summit, discussing the Changing Nature of Work, where he discussed the union's recommendations.

Streetcar delays must be addressed without risking good jobs: Unifor

TORONTO, Oct. 26, 2015 /CNW/ - Unifor is expressing its commitment to working with all of the parties to resolve concerns related to the delay in the delivery of new streetcars.

Earlier this month, Bombardier Transportation advised the Toronto Transit Commission that the delivery schedule of the new streetcars will not be fully met. The streetcars are built at Bombardier's Thunder Bay facility, which is employs 1,200 people, 900 of whom are members of Unifor Local 1075.

Real change requires vigilance from NDP and Canadian voters

The clearest outcome of this historic federal election was an overwhelming call from Canadians for a change in government, and a change in direction for our country. The Liberals have been tasked with delivering progressive change.

But achieving real, lasting change is never easy – and it cannot start and stop at a ballot box.

Campaign Page launched

The Workplaces Changes Campaign web page is launched at, as part of Unifor's ongoing efforts to push for changes to Ontario employment and labour laws to meet the needs of today's increasingly precarious work world.

Unifor celebrates defeat of Harper Conservatives

TORONTO, Oct. 19, 2015 /CNW/ - Unifor is celebrating the defeat of the Harper Conservatives and calling on the Liberals and NDP to cooperate to rebuild Canada.

"Tonight's election results offer Canadians an opportunity to rebuild our country," said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. "Canadians have sent a clear message that the Harper Conservative agenda is not one that represents our interests and needs."

Media Advisory - "We haven't forgotten": Community to rally against Harper during photo-op at aerospace facility

ABBOTSFORD, BC, Oct. 18, 2015 /CNW/ - Conservative Party Leader Stephen Harper's last campaign stop will be met with a noisy protest of his failure to protect and create good jobs.

"The Harper record on job creation and economic growth is dismal—it's the worst in the post-war era," said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. "The Fraser Valley region is no different. This community owes the Harper government nothing."

Unifor supporting retirees hit by U.S. Steel decision

TORONTO, Oct. 14, 2015 /CNW/ - Unifor is closely monitoring a recent court decision stripping U.S. Steel retirees of their health benefits, on behalf of 300 Unifor retirees from the former Stelpipe and Welland Pipe plants in Welland.

"U.S. Steel has truly let down the retirees and the people of Welland with its heavy-handed tactics leading to this court decision," Unifor National President Jerry Dias said.

Unifor economist Jim Stanford invites Jeff Watson to open debate on TPP

TORONTO, Oct. 14, 2015 /CNW/ - Unifor National Economist Jim Stanford has extended an invitation to debate Conservative candidate Jeff Watson in Essex County on the impacts of the Trans-Pacific Partnership on Canada's auto sector. Watson has refused, but Stanford will proceed with an open forum where all members of the public and media are invited to attend.