Canada needs its airlines

Canada is a big country. That is why, as a nation we are so heavily reliant on our airline industry with routes reaching every corner of the country. That is why there is so much at stake right now.

Think about it. Families today are spread across vast distances. Atlantic Canadians finding work in the oil patch. Western kids moving east for jobs in Toronto, Montreal or Ottawa. Older Canadians living out their dreams of retirement somewhere quieter.

Why Canada needs a Federal Low-Wage Commission

While we continue to wait on the federal government’s belated promise to implement a $15 federal minimum wage, questions often arise as to how future rate increases should be handled. While the government has identified wage increases based on the rate of inflation as a possible way forward, other metrics, such as using the median hourly wage, proposed in U.S.

Building Back Better in 2021

By Jerry Dias

At the beginning of the pandemic, Unifor made two broad demands of government.

The first was to protect public health and ensure all workers had access to sick leave and immediate income assistance. The second was to build an economic stimulus package big and bold enough to speed Canadas economic recovery and build the Canada so many of us believe is possible.

Why we need anti-scab legislation

Nothing gets my blood boiling like seeing a worker cross another workers picket line to steal their job – and Ive seen it way too often.

Across most of this country and in every single federally regulated sector, there is virtually nothing to stop it happening – and that needs to change.

Mark Zuckerberg's self-serving push for regulation

The debate over regulating Google and Facebook took an interesting turn recently, when prominent Canadian nationalist Richard Stursberg teamed up with Kevin Chan, Facebook’s lobbyist in Ottawa, to publish an opinion piece in the Globe and Mail that maps out a regulatory path for our federal government.

The fact that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who has been doing everything he can to resist regulation in Australia, is sending out his lackeys to push for regulation in Canada means he’s worried about what our government might do.

Unions and the fight for Housing Justice in Canada

In September, the federal government and the Canada Mortgage Housing Corporation launched the Rapid Housing Initiative (RHI), a $1 billion housing program meant to support the creation of up to 3,000 new affordable housing units, the acquisition of land, and the conversion and rehabilitation of existing buildings to affordable housing. The RHI is part of the federal government’s National Housing Strategy, an ambitious 10-year, $55 billion-plus plan launched in November 2017 that will create 100,000 new housing units and repair or renew thousands more.