In the Co-op dispute, the company can’t be let off the hook

By Jerry Dias, Unifor National President

By now, the entire country is aware of the ten week long lockout at the Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL) refinery in Regina. What fewer people know is the length to which the company has worked to prolong it. It has deftly used numerous systemic advantages to try to break our union. FCL has been let off the hook time and again. It has to stop.

On December 5, 2019, FCL locked out 730 members of Unifor Local 594 after walking back on its promise to keep workers’ pensions in place.

Helping workers means more than money for severance and tuition

Today is a heartbreaking day for forestry workers in Nova Scotia and a shameful reminder of the disregard Premier Stephen McNeil has for working people.

A skeleton crew will stay at Northern Pulp until April 21 to winterize the facility. The rest of the 230 Unifor members at Northern Pulp walked through the mill’s gates for the last time today, leaving behind long-held careers, the certainty of good family-supporting jobs in their hometown, and the promise of a dignified retirement with a good union pension.

The fight for Co-op Refinery workers is everyone’s fight

Last week I witnessed something I have not seen in my 40 years walking picket lines across Canada. Never before have I seen a police force conduct itself with such disrespect for working peoples’ rights and disregard for their basic role as peace officers. 

Regina’s Chief of Police ordered more than 70 police officers to intimidate, harass, and dismantle by force a lawful picket line and a peaceful assembly of hundreds of Unifor picketers and their supporters. 

NL workers deserve better than poverty wages

Linda MacNeil, Unifor Atlantic Regional Director

Employers that refuse to offer workers an hourly wage of at least $15 are sentencing their employees to poverty.

The Executive Director of the Employer’s Council of Newfoundland and Labrador, Richard Alexander, recently called a $15 an hour minimum wage an “extreme policy”.

Progress and regression 30 years later

When I think back 30 years this week, I think about where we were and the casual sexism and misogyny that seemed to be all around us back in December of 1989.

It’s bewildering to think about how men would cat call the women they worked with or even strangers on the street, egging each other on as if it was some sort of game.

What’s even more astonishing, however, is how little has changed, and how in some ways it has gotten worse.

Newfoundland and Labrador’s part-time work problem

Linda MacNeil, Unifor Atlantic Regional Director

Part-time work is nothing new to Canadians because employers have long exploited a gap in our employment standards that allows them to discriminate against them. It’s no secret that part-time workers earn below average pay, have no guaranteed schedule of hours, and are often denied benefits that their full-time counterparts enjoy.

More than 3.6 million working people (or about 20 per cent of the workforce) earn their living as part-time workers in Canada.

Goodbye, Don Cherry, and good riddance

Every era must come to an end, and thankfully the end has come for Don Cherry’s.

In a long overdue move, Sportsnet finally cut ties with the host of Coach’s Corner this week. 

It should have happened a long time ago. 

Years of racist and misogynist comments, uninformed opinions on issues such as climate change and advocating a hard-hitting style of hockey that, frankly, put the health of players at risk, finally made his continued employment untenable.

Requiring streaming giants to invest in CanCon isn’t complicated: it’s the law

Jerry Dias, National President of Unifor and Daniel Bernhard, Executive Director of Friends of Canadian Broadcasting

Today, the Disney+ streaming service becomes available in Canada, hot on the heels of Apple+, which launched on November 1st. Many are celebrating their arrival as a boon for Canadian viewers: hundreds of new programs, available anytime, anywhere, for less than $9 per month.

Unifor proud of its role during the federal election

We aren’t a shy bunch at Unifor - and that was certainly proved true during last month’s federal election.

In fact, we did exactly what we said we’d do - play an active role in ensuring that Andrew Scheer’s Conservatives never form government and never get the chance to turn the clock back on progressive policies this country needs.

We reached out to our members in key ridings across Canada, making sure they were aware of what was at stake in the election if the Conservatives won.

Manitoba’s lessons for the federal election

First, let’s talk about the lessons we can take from the Manitoba election this week, which saw Brian Pallister’s Conservatives return for a second majority government, as we head into a new federal election.

The good news is that this is, at least, a reduced majority. The NDP led by Wab Kinew gained seven seats for a total of 18, and elected Manitoba’s first black members of the legislature and Kinew was returned as the first Indigenous Official Opposition leader.