Katha Fortier: Fixing lax standards in the workplace

Published on Mon Jan 25 2016 in the Toronto Star

Re: Blitz - and educate, Editorial Jan. 21

Blitz - and educate, Editorial Jan. 21

While your editorial on the widespread abuse of labour standards revealed through Ministry of Labour inspections aptly describes the poor working conditions faced by many workers, the emphasis you place on the need for education for employers is misplaced.

Fred Wilson COP21 Update - concluding thoughts

By Fred Wilson

As the COP21 climate conference comes close to a conclusion, the world can breathe a bit easier.                                                 

All-night negotiations chaired by France’s Laurent Fabius produced a near to final agreement that delivers at least some of the ambitions we have been waiting for.

The final agreement is expected on Saturday at noon, and a statement from the Canadian trade unionists that have been part of this process in Paris will be circulated soon after.

COP21 Update - Emergencies in Paris

By Fred Wilson

A state of emergency has seized Paris this December, although sometimes it is hard to determine just which emergency is foremost. Armies of police surrounding the Le Bourget Climate Conference and smaller groups at every transit station and downtown shopping centres speak to one emergency. The massive posters and displays on the COP21 and environment and climate themes that dominate public spaces throughout Paris and its underground metro stations point to the other global emergency that brings us here.

The battle for “Article 2”

Here on Day 3 of COP 21, Human Rights and worker rights have emerged as one of the key issues in the early negotiations. In the current draft text of "Article 2" there is a provision committing the parties to recognition of human rights and just transition for workers in implementing the COP21 agreement. However, a number of countries including Mexico, Norway, and the US are pushing to have these commitments moved to the non-binding preamble section. That is unacceptable for the labour delegates at COP who are lobbying hard to have Article 2 maintained in its present form.

Unifor delegates have high expectations for climate talks

Unifor's delegation to the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (“COP21”) has arrived in Paris for this historic world gathering. I am in Paris with a group of senior staff and Ken Smith, President of Local 707A, who is arriving today.

Ottawa should be with Bombardier through the turbulence

For Bombardier, federal involvement at this stage would give it the stability it needs to enter the lucrative 100-plus seat commercial jet market, writes the president of Unifor

By: Jerry Dias Published on Sun Nov 08 2015 in the Toronto Star

Truly great things are rarely achieved alone – or easily.

Whether in our private lives or in business, our greatest achievements are made in coordinated effort with others. This is especially true for long-term projects, the ones that take vision and commitment beyond the latest quarterly report.

Real change requires vigilance from NDP and Canadian voters

The clearest outcome of this historic federal election was an overwhelming call from Canadians for a change in government, and a change in direction for our country. The Liberals have been tasked with delivering progressive change.

But achieving real, lasting change is never easy – and it cannot start and stop at a ballot box.

Harper’s Netflix Fixation: Why Do American media companies get special treatment in Canada?

Eleven weeks to go and Stephen Harper’s “no Netflix tax” is an early campaign gimmick.

It is a predictable anti-tax pitch from the PM, but it says a lot about his chaotic public policy in Canada’s multi-billion dollar broadcasting industry. Not even the wealthiest American media company operating in Canada, Netflix still rakes in $400 million a year in Canada, employs no Canadians, and contributes nothing to the Canadian television system or the Canadian economy.