Union takes a stand for future young aerospace workers

Unifor Western Director Joie Warnock wrote a column for the July 15 edition of the Province newspaper explaining what is behind the strike by Unifor Local 114 workers at Cascade Aerospace in Abbotsford, BC.

If you don’t go to Abbotsford often, you may not have noticed 24-hour-a-day picket lines at Cascade Aerospace.

Pipeline exporting crude isn’t good for Canada, job creation

Russ Day, Unifor Local 601 unit chair at the Chevron Burnaby Refinery, recently had the Letter of the Day in the Vancouver Province newspaper. The following letter appeared June 29:

A recent editorial from a handful of construction unions (“Northern Gateway pipeline needed to enrich us all”) was long on rhetoric about the Northern Gateway pipeline and short on facts.

According to the Alberta Federation of Labour, only 228 permanent jobs will be created from a pipeline opposed by 130 First Nations, most BC municipalities, and half of British Columbians.

New Resolute collective agreements covering 2,000 workers

With new collective agreements covering 2,000 workers at Resolute Forestry Products' 11 locations across Ontario and Quebec - a deal that will set the pattern for negotiations with 8,000 other workers east of the Manitoba border - this vital industry is on a renewed footing and ready for a long-overdue national dialogue on the future of forestry.

Job plan latest reason to defeat Hudak

If Tim Hudak is elected, Ontario will see unprecedented job cuts, healthcare cuts, education cuts and the decimation of workers’ rights.

For those who value decent jobs, good health care, strong communities and a bright, stable future for our children, the primary objective in this election must be to keep Tim Hudak from becoming premier.

That means supporting the candidate with the best chance of defeating the local Conservative candidate.

Inspired by today’s members, and tomorrow’s

This past week, it has been my incredible honour to stand beside workers – members of Unifor, and those working to join – as they stood up for their rights and for a voice in their communities.

Last Thursday, I stood with team members at Toyota in Ontario as we announced an escalation of their effort to join Unifor and become the first assembly plant outside the Detroit Big Three to be unionized in Canada.

Chipping away at the cultural mosaic

Rogers Broadcasting Limited is right now asking the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (our national broadcast regulator) to rewrite the rules governing ethnic television in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta – and not to the benefit of ethnic communities.

Toyota no longer following the Toyota Way

The following column by Toyota team member Ken Cleveland appeared in the Waterloo Region Record on April 4, 2014.

By Ken Cleveland

Much of what attracted me to a job at Toyota 17 years ago — besides good pay, benefits and a pension, of course — was that the company had a reputation for listening to its employees and working with them on issues facing the plant.

Time to modernize rail service

It’s time that Canada developed a modern passenger rail service in this country. 

That means more frequent trains to better meet the needs of Canadian travelers, whether for business or pleasure, and the introduction of high speed rails in our busiest travel corridors, such as Toronto to Montreal or Calgary to Edmonton.

From that would come jobs, helping to reduce unemployment, while providing some level of hope to our young people for more than contract jobs and precarious employment.

Top 10 honour reflects Unifor’s great work and hope for the future

Today Maclean’s, Canada’s national English-language magazine, has named me as one of Canada’s Top 10 most important people, in the cover story of the current issue.

This is a great honour, of course, but it’s not about me. This about all the hard work Unifor has been doing to address the issues confronting Canadians today.

Since our founding last Labour Day weekend, Unifor has been committed to addressing such issues as youth unemployment, precarious employment, secure pensions and good jobs for all.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Julie White, Unifor Women’s Director

The United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women has been observed on November 25th each year since 2000. It is an occasion for governments, international organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to raise public awareness of violence against women.

“There is one universal truth, applicable to all countries, cultures and communities: violence against women is never acceptable, never excusable, never tolerable."  – UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.