
CP Rail workers ratify new contract

MONTREAL - Unifor members at Canadian Pacific (CP) Rail have ratified a new two-year contract.

“Rail workers, just like workers in many sectors across Canada, are bargaining in particularly challenging conditions right now,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “The members of the 101-R bargaining committee remained focused and committed to achieving a fair agreement for their membership. I applaud them for their work and look forward to their continued efforts to improve working conditions for their members in the future.”

Tentative Agreement reached with Procor Edmonton

Unifor Local 21-A bargaining committee and Procor Ltd. have reached a tentative collective agreement.

“This was a difficult round of negotiations, but our bargaining committee stood together for our rail sector members,” said Michelle Barsness, Unit Chair and Treasurer of Local 21-A. “This agreement would not have been reached without the skills and solidarity of the bargaining committee.” 

Rail line Volume 10, Issue 2

Unifor CN January 2023 Bargaining Update

Unifor Council 4000 and Local 100 continued contract negotiations with CN the week of January 16-20 in Montreal.  This was the first sessions with the assistance of Federal Conciliators.

Unifor filed a Notice of Dispute with Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) on December 16, 2022.  The Conciliators were appointed on December 30, meaning the bargaining schedule and conciliation process has changed slightly from what we initially advised in the last RailLine update.

The new schedule is as follows:

Unifor reaches tentative agreement with CP Rail

VANCOUVER- Unifor Local 101R has reached a tentative agreement with Canadian Pacific Railway (CP), covering 1,200 workers at 18 locations from British Columbia to Quebec. 

“These are hard working members who provide a vital service and I know the Bargaining Committee was determined to make progress during these difficult times,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “I thank the Committee for their outstanding work.”

RailLine Volume 10 Issue 1

Tentative agreement reached with Canadian Pacific 

Dear Members,

A tentative agreement has been reached between Unifor Local 101R and Canadian Pacific Railway. 
Details of the tentative agreement will be provided at ratification meetings, which will be held at multiple locations across the country in the coming days. Information on a ratification tour will be communicated as soon as dates and locations are finalized. 

Rail line Volume 9, Issue 21

CP Bargaining Update

Dear Members,

The Local 101R bargaining committee continued negotiating with the Employer this week in Calgary.

As reported in the last RailLine, the Union filed a Notice of Dispute, requesting the assistance of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service.

Rail Line Volume 9, Issue 20

CN Bargaining Update

Dear Members,

Local 100 and Council 4000 bargaining committees continued negotiating with the employer this week in Montreal. 

Talks, again this week, were productive with the employer and are progressing well. At the table, we worked through work rules and language proposals. We have agreed on some items and are still wading through others.

We have agreed to meet with the employer the week of Dec. 12, 2022 in Montreal. We will continue discussing non-economic items and hope to convene discussions on monetary items.

Rail Line Volume 9, Issue 19

Unifor opens contract talks with Toronto Terminals Railway

Unifor opened bargaining for a new collective agreement with Toronto Terminals Railway (TTR) this week.

"Our members working at TTR are loud and clear that they need an agreement that addresses the crushing inflation  on an already high cost of living in Vancouver," said Rick Raso, President of Unifor Local 101R. “Workers are falling behind and the bargaining committee is determined to push back and fight for wages that keep up with rising costs.”

Rail Line Volume 9, Issue 18

Dear Members,

Local 100 and Council 4000 bargaining committees met with the employer this week to begin discussions on non-economic proposals which includes the addressing the on-going issue of contracting out unionized work.

Your Master Bargaining Committee feels that talks this week were productive with the employer and are progressing well. We are committed to impress upon the company that our members deserve a collective agreement that treats you with dignity and respect.

Unifor 101R files for conciliation

Rail Line: Volume 9 Issue 17

Dear members,

The union commenced bargaining for a new collective agreement with Canadian Pacific (CP) on Sept. 14, 2022.

At the meeting, both parties exchanged proposals. The union made it clear that we are concerned with the employers heavy handed discipline, grievance backlog and the need for CP to improve wages for our members.