
Rail line Volume 9, Issue 10

Unifor Issues 72 Hour Strike Notice to VIA Rail

Dear members,

As mentioned earlier this week both Council 4000 and Local 100 resumed negotiations with the employer this week in Montreal. Unfortunately, talks have not progressed in the way we had hoped. In consultation with the National Union, both Council 4000 and Local 100 issued strike notice to VIA Rail this evening.

VIA Rail workers issue 72-hour strike notice

MONTREAL – Unifor Council 4000 and Local 100 announced the union’s 72 hours’ strike notice to VIA Rail after talks failed to progress.

“VIA Rail workers are frustrated that the employer continues to push concessions and not work towards a fair and equitable collective agreement for our members,” said Scott Doherty, Executive Assistant to Unifor’s National President and lead negotiator. “Unifor members at VIA are highly skilled and contributed to the success of the company. We will do whatever it takes to get members the collective agreement that they deserve.”

VIA Rail workers issue overwhelming strike mandate

MONTREAL – Unifor Council 4000 and Local 100 members issue a strong strike mandate ahead of July 11 deadline, as negotiations continue in Montreal.

“The strike vote result sends a clear message to the employer: The membership supports the bargaining committee, is firm in their demands, and is prepared to take action if needed,” said Scott Doherty, Executive Assistant to Unifor’s National President and lead negotiator.  “At this critical time, VIA Rail members deserve the best possible agreement, and that can only be won by working together, in solidarity.”

Rail line Volume 9, Issue 9

Dear members,

From June 20 to July 1, 2022 both Council 4000 and Local 100 conducted strike votes with VIA Rail members across Canada. The results for the vote were 99.4% in favour of strike action at Local 100 and 99.3 % in favour of strike action from Council 4000 members.

This is the strong mandate Council 4000 and Local 100 bargaining committees need as we continue to meet with the employer this week in Montreal. Your bargaining committees are committed to meet with VIA Rail right up to the strike deadline of 12:01 a.m. on Monday July 11, 2022.

Rail line Volume 9, Issue 8

Council 4000 and Local 100 bargaining committee resumed negotiations this week from Monday to Thursday with VIA Rail.

As mentioned in the previous RailLine, VIA Rail has served four estoppels and are refusing to take them off the table. Both Council 4000 and Local 100 are currently facing concessions. This is unacceptable to both bargaining committees.

Rail line Volume 9, Issue 7

Council 4000 and Local 100 bargaining committee resumed negotiations this week from Monday to Wednesday with VIA Rail.

Council 4000 has significant work rules to work through, however VIA has served 4 estoppel’s and are refusing to take them off the table and both the Council and Local 100 are currently facing concessions. This is unacceptable to both bargaining committees and we will continue to pushback and have the concessions removed.

Rail line Volume 9, Issue 6

Dear Members,

This week Unifor Council 4000 and Unifor Local 100 continued bargaining with the employer. The employer continues to push concessions onto our members. This approach by the employer has forced the bargaining committees to reach an impasse with the employer.

Because of the impasse, the Union filed a Notice of Dispute requesting the assistance of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. 

What is conciliation?

Unifor Prairie activists rally to keep VIA Rail public

WINNIPEG—Nearly 300 Unifor activists from across the Prairies will march to Union Station demanding the federal government reverse its plan to privatize the VIA Rail Windsor to Quebec City corridor.

Rail line Volume 9, Issue 5


Dear members,

Unifor opened bargaining with VIA Rail in January 2022. To date Unifor Local 100 and Council 4000 has met with the company February 7 to 11 and March 8-11.

Rail line Volume 9, Issue 4

Dear members,

This morning, the federal transport Minister Omar Alghabra announced that the government is seeking private proposals to cover service for the VIA rail high-frequency corridor. The union believes this is the first of many steps to privatize VIA Rail.

Our members are not fooled by today's government announcement.