Union Solidarity

Toronto Labour Day Parade

Monday, September 4

We are pleased to inform you that Unifor will be participating in the 2023 Toronto Labour Day Parade with the rest of our labour movement family.

Unifor members get thrills at Wonderland

Members lined up bright and early on July 9 for a day of roller coasters, hot dogs, burgers and mountain selfies at Unifor’s Member Appreciation Day at Canada’s Wonderland in Vaughan, Ont.

This is the sixth year Unifor has organized a day at the amusement park (taking a pause during the pandemic), where members can connect with each other, let their hair down and enjoy a summer’s outing with their families. The event sold out after more than 5,500 tickets were purchased this year.

Bill 124 Appeal: Government and unions back in court

Bill 124 is back in the courts. The Government’s appeal will be heard by three judges of the Ontario Court of Appeal from June 20-23.

The Government will go first because they are bringing the appeal. That will take most of the first day. The unions will then respond on Wednesday and Thursday.

Unifor’s team is confident and prepared to defend members’ constitutional rights once again. We expect that we will have our turn on Thursday morning.

Unifor Skilled Trades Council delegates strategize to secure and grow trades

More than 80 Skilled Trades members from across the country gathered at the Unifor Skilled Trades Council to discuss key issues and strategize to secure and grow good paying trades jobs.

“Our Skilled Trades members convene three times a year in order to stay on top of common issues and to bring forward workplace concerns that can benefit from the shared experience and wisdom of Council delegates,” said Dave Cassidy, Unifor National Skilled Chair.

Citizen referendum overwhelming opposes Ontario health care privatization

TORONTO-Health care workers, activists, and community organizers rallied at Queen's Park today to deliver the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) Citizens Referendum results, which revealed an overwhelmingly strong opposition to the privatization of healthcare in Ontario. The referendum saw an impressive turnout of more than 400,000 Ontarians, with an astounding 98.4% of voters expressing their disapproval of privatization.

Unifor condemns Wescast Industries for abandoning workers in Wingham

WINGHAM, ON—Wescast Industries’ decision to close its foundry operations will devastate workers, families and the community of Wingham, where the facility has operated for more than a century, Unifor says.

“Wescast and its overseas owners are turning their backs on the foundry’s dedicated workforce and the community that has supported them for generations,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “The Wingham foundry closure announcement must serve as a wake-up call to every level of government that Wingham auto parts workers urgently need support.”