Union Solidarity

Action needed now to resume construction of Stellantis battery plant

WINDSOR—Urgent action is required by the federal government so that construction can resume on the five billion Stellantis EV battery plant in Windsor, Ontario.

“It’s outrageous that tens of thousands of jobs are in jeopardy due to a failure to come to terms on government investment,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “The situation is as serious as it gets. This needs to be resolved immediately to preserve workers’ livelihoods and construction of the EV plant can resume.”  

Letter to Toronto City Council Re: Expanding tourist area exemptions for retail

Dear Councillor,

Re: Proposed Amendment to Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 510-5

We are writing to you on an urgent matter.

It has come to our attention that the City’s Economic and Community Development Committee has recommended amendments to the Toronto Municipal Code, expanding the number of designated retail businesses operating with ‘tourist area exemption’ status. The stated objective is to expand the number of retailers allowed to open for business on statutory holidays.

Unifor Quebec Council

The 18th Quebec Council of Unifor was held in Trois-Rivières from April 26 to 28.

Sophie Albert, the new president of the Quebec Council, chaired her first council since her election in Nov. 2022.

Workers gain protection as pension super-priority Bill receives royal assent

Ottawa – Bill C-228, a private members’ bill that gives pension plan members super-priority during plan windups and bankruptcy proceedings received royal assent.

“This change has been many years in the making. I’m glad to see lawmakers in both chambers say ‘enough is enough’ and put workers first by adopting this legislation,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “Pensions are deferred wages and they cannot be allowed to be stripped away and put to the back of the line if the company closes up shop.”

Unifor’s statement of support for PSAC

During this crucial period, we stand alongside PSAC’s 155 000 sisters and brothers of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) in their conflict with the Treasury Board and the Canada Revenue Agency. We wish to express our unwavering solidarity on behalf of 315,000 Unifor members and our support for all PSAC members who are confronted with the necessity to strike in order to obtain the respect they deserve. We understand the challenges you are facing and we stand by you in this fight.

Government Inaction Leaves Air Passengers and Workers Stranded

Published in The Hill Times April 19, 2023

There’s no denying that air transport workers and travellers have been through the wringer the last three years.

During the busy travel seasons of 2022, think summer vacation and December holidays, the industry was in shambles with long line-ups, canceled flights, stranded passengers, lost luggage, and excessive security wait times.

Not Backing Down: Harvesters Hold Strong After St. John’s Rally

ST. JOHN’S, NL – Close to a thousand people gathered today in St. John’s in front of the Confederation Building, calling for action to save the province’s snow crab fishery. The Union that represents over 14,000 people in the province, including all 10,000 professional fish harvesters and some 3,000 processing workers, says that it’s the government’s responsibility to protect the people who rely on the fishery, and ensure processing companies operate in a manner that benefits the people of our province. 

Unifor hosts Sinn Féin representative during 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement

For Gavin McGarrigle, the Good Friday Agreement hits too close to home.

The Unifor Western Regional Director spoke of his earliest memories as a six-year-old crossing the border between Ireland and Britain frequently with his family before emigrating to Canada in 1981. During those crossings, he recalls the chaos and violence.

“I can remember standing on the side of the road in front of a massive guard tower while our family’s car was ripped apart by British soldiers on patrol,” he said.