
Rail line Volume 9, Issue 10

Unifor Issues 72 Hour Strike Notice to VIA Rail

Dear members,

As mentioned earlier this week both Council 4000 and Local 100 resumed negotiations with the employer this week in Montreal. Unfortunately, talks have not progressed in the way we had hoped. In consultation with the National Union, both Council 4000 and Local 100 issued strike notice to VIA Rail this evening.

VIA Rail workers issue 72-hour strike notice

MONTREAL – Unifor Council 4000 and Local 100 announced the union’s 72 hours’ strike notice to VIA Rail after talks failed to progress.

“VIA Rail workers are frustrated that the employer continues to push concessions and not work towards a fair and equitable collective agreement for our members,” said Scott Doherty, Executive Assistant to Unifor’s National President and lead negotiator. “Unifor members at VIA are highly skilled and contributed to the success of the company. We will do whatever it takes to get members the collective agreement that they deserve.”

VIA Rail workers issue overwhelming strike mandate

MONTREAL – Unifor Council 4000 and Local 100 members issue a strong strike mandate ahead of July 11 deadline, as negotiations continue in Montreal.

“The strike vote result sends a clear message to the employer: The membership supports the bargaining committee, is firm in their demands, and is prepared to take action if needed,” said Scott Doherty, Executive Assistant to Unifor’s National President and lead negotiator.  “At this critical time, VIA Rail members deserve the best possible agreement, and that can only be won by working together, in solidarity.”

Our Bell, Our Jobs. Clerical and Aliant workers unite!

Watch this new video to see why Unifor members at Bell are stronger than ever.

For the first time, in a show of true solidarity, Clerical and Aliant members are bargaining simultaneously with the company.

Workers at Hilton Garden Inn Ajax ratify new contract

AJAX—Wage increases and sweeping improvements to benefits are features of a new collective agreement for Unifor members working at the Hilton hotel in Ajax.

“Protecting wages from inflation was a top priority in this round of bargaining,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National Secretary-Treasurer. “I congratulate the team at Local 1090 for negotiating gains in the new contract.”

Rail line Volume 9, Issue 9

Dear members,

From June 20 to July 1, 2022 both Council 4000 and Local 100 conducted strike votes with VIA Rail members across Canada. The results for the vote were 99.4% in favour of strike action at Local 100 and 99.3 % in favour of strike action from Council 4000 members.

This is the strong mandate Council 4000 and Local 100 bargaining committees need as we continue to meet with the employer this week in Montreal. Your bargaining committees are committed to meet with VIA Rail right up to the strike deadline of 12:01 a.m. on Monday July 11, 2022.

HBC Logistics warehouse workers ratify new contract

TORONTO–E-commerce warehouse workers at HBC Logistics have voted overwhelming at 80% to accept a new tentative agreement, ending a nine-day strike action.

“These workers stood firm with the full weight of Unifor behind them to successfully fight for retroactive pay to cover the time that they worked during the pandemic without a contract,” said Unifor Ontario Regional Director Naureen Rizvi.

Windsor Star workers achieve wage gains and harassment protection

Windsor Star workers have overwhelmingly ratified a new three-year contract that provides annual improvements to wages, an additional statutory holiday and language aimed at protecting the news organization's journalists from online bullying and harassment. 

“This collective agreement represents real gains in the media sector – both wage increases and addressing the harassment being faced by journalists today,” Unifor Secretary-Treasurer Lana Payne said. “Congratulations to all the members for this deal.”