
Health care workers plan rally in front of Chatham LTC home

CHATHAM – Health care workers are taking their issues right to Chatham, Ont.’s Riverview Gardens after they say negotiations have broken down.

Negotiations have broken down between Unifor Local 127 and Riverview Gardens, a Home for the Aged operated by the municipality.

“Throughout the pandemic, our members have always put residents of long-term care first and they demand fair pay and respect,” said Katha Fortier, Assistant to Unifor’s National President. “It’s time Riverview Gardens listened.”

Striking HBC Logistics warehouse workers reach tentative agreement

TORONTO–Striking e-commerce warehouse workers at HBC Logistics will vote on a tentative agreement reached between the company and Unifor Local 40’s bargaining committee. 

“I congratulate the bargaining committee on reaching a tentative agreement for these workers, primarily women with the majority being newcomers, who literally carried The Bay through the pandemic,” said Unifor Ontario Regional Director Naureen Rizvi. 

In historic first, Bell Atlantic Communications Locals and Bell Clerical to unite at simultaneous negotiations

Dear Members,

Bell Clerical and Bell Aliant commenced bargaining in February.  From the start, it was the desire of our bargaining committees to utilize the collective power we have in numbers at some point in bargaining. Both groups have bargained separately thus far.

Our bargaining agendas include common themes of better wages, work from home policy and job security. Both bargaining tables also share a common denominator: Bell’s lead negotiator is the same at both tables.

Kleenzone workers ratify contract, ending labour dispute

Kleenzone workers who provide cleaning services at the Sanofi Pasteur Plant in Toronto will achieve significant pay hikes and improved benefits through a new four-year collective agreement. 

“With inflation as a key concern, these members stood together and pushed the company to improve wages,” said Mike Hill, Unifor Local 1701 President. “As a result, their bargaining committee was able to deliver an immediate $2 an hour increase with additional pay increases in each year of the contract.”

Unifor signs first contract with Plains Midstream

Wage increases and a comprehensive benefits package are highlights of a new three-year first collective agreement with Plains Midstream near Windsor.

“The members of this unit identified problems in the workplace, organized a union, and bargained a solid collective agreement,” said John Dagnolo, Unifor Local 200 president. “They should be very proud of taking action to have a voice in their workplace.”

The Bay e-commerce warehouse workers on strike

TORONTO–More than 330 e-commerce warehouse workers at HBC Logistics (The Bay) began strike action at noon today. Negotiations broke down suddenly after the company refused to offer an increase in compensation for the past year, when workers continued to provide services without a contract during the pandemic.

Natural gas workers to begin second day of full picketing

WINNIPEG—Unifor Local 681 will hold a rally at Manitoba Hydro Place as part of the second day of picket line action against the employer and join the leader of the opposition to call for a legislative committee to hear testimony on the impasse. 

“With record profits forecasted for the employer, we call on Premier Heather Stefanson to answer questions about why gas workers in the province are being denied the same wage increases awarded to other Crown workers,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. 

Unifor ACL Bargaining Bulletin Update # 8

Dear Members,

Last week, your Bargaining Committee made headway on a number of priority areas.

We raised our concern in regards to recent modifications in Consumer Service Representative classification.

Many facets of the work of technicians were also explored with the employer. 

After weeks of slow movement from the Company, their representatives showed an opening for a change in pace. There is a lot of Bargaining going between Bell Canada and Unifor:

Local 681 members rally for a fair contract

Unifor Local 681 members at Manitoba Hydro began rotating strikes on June 17. Watch the rally and hear about what's at stake for these members who worked during the pandemic on the front lines of in-home service.